Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Location Spotlight
Local suburban conservation area surrounded by residential development. Includes a 5-acre pond, adjoining creek, prairie grasslands, and nearby wooded thickets.
Location Visits: Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Days Visited: 627
A location visit is considered any date with at least one species photo taken on that date
Species Counts for Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Species counts are tabulated by determining the number of species tagged in photos from this location.
Click on the Species Category to view the list of species photographed at this location.
Click on the Species Name to view photos of that species taken at this location
Wildlife Species Counts:
Plant Species Counts:
Scenic Photos of Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
The following images help set the scene for this location, providing a glimpse of the available habitat. Click on any image for a Closer Look.
New Bench
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Great Blue Heron
Perched on the observation deck railing
Along the Creek
Pond Observation Deck 1
Pond Observation Deck 1
Observation Deck 2
Downed Trees in the Pond
Sawtooth Sunflower
Blooming at the pond
Observation Deck 2 in the Fall
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Hazy fall morning
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Autumn Snowfall
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area Creek
Autumn Snowfall
Observation Deck Boardwalk
Common Cattail
At the pond
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
After a snowfall
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
After a snowfall
The Bench at the Pond
At the conservation area
The Pond
At the conservation area
The Path to the Observation Deck
At the conservation area
The Observation Deck
At the conservation area
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Eagle Lake
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Eagle Lake
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Controlled Burn
At Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area
Fall Colors
At the conservation area
Ruth Macintyre Conservation Area Species Preview
American Coot
American Crow
American Goldfinch
American Redstart
American Robin
American Tree Sparrow
Bald Eagle
Baltimore Oriole
Barn Swallow
Bay-breasted Warbler
Belted Kingfisher
Black-and-white Warbler
Black-billed Cuckoo
Black-capped Chickadee
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler